Week 3 Activity 3

For this assignment, we were supposed to have a relative type about their parents or grandparents. I had my dad tell me about my grandma and I typed it while he talked. This is what he said: “My mom was very strict when I was growing up. I love her so much and we always have the best of times together. She took care of my brother and I all the time. We lived in India at the time and I always visit back. My parents lived there their whole lives and they still live in the same house I grew up in. The main sport played by most boys and girls was cricket.” Cricket is a game similar to baseball, but instead of running bases, someone has to run back and forth. Here is a picture of it: 

2 thoughts on “Week 3 Activity 3

  1. That’s a very touching story. My dad and my parents also lived in a different country until he was 10 and he moved here. One day I wish to visit where he grew up.

  2. How fun to have grown up somewhere so different from where your dad lives now! What made him move to California? Have you ever visited India?

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