Sunsets are Beautiful

Sunsets is part of nature in a big way. Sunsets cannot be made by humans and so they are really special. Sunsets are made from different particles in the air and they are all around. Different molecules determine the colors in the sky. The sun is at a low point in the sky and then the light from the sun makes the molecules move around. Sunsets are not man made so that is what it makes it so unique. They are created by the environment and every day the colors are a surprise. Sunsets differ from colors every day and it is exciting to see what color is that day. Sunsets are amazing in so many different ways. Here are the links to the website I researched from:

My favorite type of sunsets are at the beach. Going to the beach and hanging out till the sunset is one of my favorite activities. Over the ocean, it looks so beautiful and I can never believe it is made from nature not humans. Humans can’t create a sunset with that much beauty. My favorite ones is especially the colors of pink because they are so pretty as a contrast to the blue sky. Sunsets at the beach, with a bright pink contrast to the sky, is a beautiful nature creation.

Finally, sunsets are very photogenic. Sunsets can differ in colors and they all look so alluring on camera. On a camera lens, the sky looks so focused and it looks pretty with the different colors. Some of sunset colors include pink, orange, and sometimes shades of purple. Taking photos of the sunset is so fun for me. I like taking them from different angles and make them look so exquisite. Also, when people put them on social media, I love looking at them and seeing the different colors. Sunsets look beautiful and perfect on camera.


These pictures are so pretty and they show why I love sunsets. They are so artistic and they are all different colors. They are beautiful in their own way. I also added websites on how sunsets are formed after the first paragraph.

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